Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is happiness

What is happiness? Is it a relative term? or is it some 'thing' or rather some'one'? What is it that makes our heart yearn for happiness and makes us sprint towards that goal which only goes farther as you near it. Its a mirage you are forced to think. An aberration, a manifestation of your desires and wants which taunts you by being in sight and yet, out of your grasp.For a year now, 13 months to be precise, i have had only one answer to that question, the love of my life. Being with the one i love, listen to her talk, soak in her voice, drench in her laughter, drown in her affection. To be with her, make her smile, keep her happy - That is what happiness means to me. There can be no greater joy than seeing the one you love happy with you. I want to preserve this forever, hold it close to my heart. This is what i prize the most. This is what happiness means to me.